Software Development Outsourcing is our core competency. We have years of experience partnering with our customers, help them get more out of their Technology investments. We have globally distributed teams, both onshore and offshore, and trusted network of partners that enable us to benefit from the global economy and offer competitive pricing to our customers.

We carefully select individuals with the experience and the skills that meet the demand of our customer projects. Our engineers go through regular training to keep up to date with current technologies. We provide them with learning resources to meet project demands and to keep their skills relevant. We invest in creating a learning and engaging culture where our teams can realize their full potential.

A streamlined and effective on-boarding process is critical to project success. We work closely with our customers to understand the goals of the project. New team members benefit from our collaborative team oriented approach which ensures they can start contributing quickly. We adhere to agile principles ensuring administrative hurdles are minimized, resources are readily available to the team, expectations are clear, and regular check-ins throughout the life time of the project.
Visibility & Control

A lack of visibility and transparency is a major concern for organizations that are looking to outsource their projects. Our approach is to establish communication plans as our first priority that clearly outline the project objectives and communication needs of our customers. This ensures a continuous feedback loop between our customers and our teams. We track progress centrally and strive for real-time project updates to our stakeholders. We ensure our teams understand our customer goals and align closely with customer objectives.

We understand quality is one of the main measures of success of any project. We track and measure several aspects of the software development process to ensure we meet the industry standards. Quality extends beyond software development and into all stages of software development life cycle. We practice proven industry standards for quality and have developed frameworks that enable us to deliver quality services to our customers.
Privacy & Security

We understand the importance of Privacy and Security for our customers. We have established privacy and security policies that align with industry standards and have experience adhering to customers security policies across a number of industries. We have governance in place to ensure our privacy and security standard are followed by our teams.

Organizational and regional cultures play a major role in the day to day operations of globally distributed teams and the overall success of the project. We have several training programs to equip our teams with the resources they need to work and thrive.

We practice the Agile development methodology which compliments our outsourcing model. It improves collaboration between onshore and offshore teams and ensures stakeholders are engaged throughout the life if the project. Our customers enjoy the flexibility and visibility that Agile frameworks enable. However, like most, our journey has not been without challenges. We’ve had to overcome many hurdles along the way and can leverage this experience to help our customers with their journey.
Transition & Support

When projects are completed, we understand the value of transitioning the projects back to the our customer’s core teams. We ensure the knowledge transfer activities take place prior to closing the projects.